About Chelsea

      Hi There! My name is Chelsea, and I shoot people. This is my little slice of the web where I plan to showcase my photography and beauty skills, inspire others and share everything I learn about blogging along the way
. I started this blog as an outlet to let the creative juices flow and find something that was missing in my life.
I realize now that what I have been searching for (happiness) is ALREADY inside me! And I can be as happy as I WANT, doing whatever I WANT to do!
Realizing this has taught me one thing- I want to teach everyone how to live a life you design by doing whatever make you happy.

I have big plans of changing the world!

     I hope you enjoy seeing the world through my eyes and I look forward to sharing ideas with you.

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The Blonde INFJ ,Yellow Personality

My mom knew I was "different" when I asked her (at the age of 3) "Mama, what do we think of the color yellow?"  I was always the leader of group projects and the "mama" of my small circle of friends. I was that person that everyone came to with their problems for advice and because they knew I could keep a secret. I have kind of always felt like an outcast, or like I was different. But hey, who hasn't? My mom taught me at a young age how to work hard, dedicate myself and never give up, no matter how rough the road. I believe that has helped to shape me into who I am today- a young, creative person with goals as big as the moon, and the drive to reach them.
I currently work a "real job" full time managing a Contempo Spa. I feel blessed to work with some amazing individuals, and each one of the inspire me and push me to be better than I ever thought I could. 
 I hope one day to be a full time photographer, SHOOTING a family, FRAMING their children, and EXPOSING their lives :)

Join me on my Journey!!!

My #1 Goal is to Help Others

Why? Because that is the ONLY way to live a happy and fulfilling life!
Whether if it is to give you awesome advice, inspire you or just make you smile, I want to be able to help!
Throughout my blogging journey, I have learned so much about myself and life in general that I want to share my knowledge with the world because I am happier than I have EVER been, and you can too! 
You can be happy doing something you love every single day!
I am currently working on an ebook about this topic, if you would like to be notified when it is published, go ahead and hit that subscribe button!

So... What's with the name?

I'm glad you asked! Coming up with a business name is probably one of the most nerve-wracking things any new business owner must do. To sum up "YOU" in just a few words is daunting to say the least! When I think about how I want the world to perceive me, I honestly do not want to be taken too seriously. I *try* to keep a positive outlook on life, while staying light-hearted and never holding a grudge or judging others (probably my strongest moral value.) What makes me the happiest is when I can make someone smile. When I tested out different business names, only ONE name guaranteed a smile each and every time.
Chelsea Shoots People.

Let me know if I have made you smile today!

I delivered this miracle at 9:21am on January 5th, 2012. He was 6 lbs. 14oz. and delivered by Cesarean (he was breach and I had severe preeclampsia). I have no idea what I did so right to deserve someone as special as him. Aidan is quite literally the happiest person I have ever met. Except when he is hungry, but I'll give him that. 
He has taught me more about myself in the short time that he has been breaking hearts with just one smile, than I could have ever learned if I lived a million lives after this one. I will forever be proud of my creation, my little contribution to society. I am positive one day, this little guy will change the world!

Pretty sure I hit that jackpot with him!!

My Number One Fan

I met my husband in the summer of '06 and we have been inseparable ever since!
We started out as high school sweethearts with nothing but the future in our eyes. He has been my biggest supporter and believes in my dreams even when I don't. He inspires me to do more than I ever thought I could because he knows I can be better than I thought I ever could. Don't get me wrong, he still drive me absolutely nuts on a daily basis, but I would think there was something wrong if he didn't!!

It's your love, it just does something to me ♥

Random Facts About Me

  • I ran into a brick wall when I was 3 years old playing hide and go seek
  • I was born with a facial deformity that I am super insecure about, but most people do not seem to notice (I never believe them when they say that, though).
  • I used to play the flute in high school. I even won a few medals and marched in parades. *band geek* (and please don't say "one time, at band camp...).
  • I am literally addicted to Ranch dressing. I put it on everything!
  • I believe there isn't anything a good brownie cannot fix.
  • I am working on a Wreck This Journal book, but am having trouble with the "wreck" part.
  • Some words I say do not sound like they are supposed to sound. "Boiled peanuts", "toilet" and "crayon" are the main offenders.
  • I have a makeup obsession and can watch girls (and sometimes guys) put on makeup on youtube for hours... happily.
  • I have to play "lefty" on first person shooter games even though I am right handed.
  • I have been called "the coupon queen" on more than one occasion and I cannot remember the last article of clothing I bought that did NOT come from a thrift store. I love being thrifty :)
  • I've never seen snow IRL.
  • I have a chihuahua named Bruno.
  • Yes, after Bruno Mars ♥
  • My drug of choice is caffeine. Not the starbucks kind, but of the Dr. Pepper sort...
  • My ideal vacation is anywhere with a beach!! 
  • I once made a slot machine cake (and you could actually pull the handle!)

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